The annual Met Ball, also known as the Costume Institute Gala, is one of the most prestigious fashion events in the world. And the 2023 event just took place with all eyes on the celebrity manicures!
Nail trends have become increasingly popular at the Met Ball, with celebrities using their manicures as a way to express their personal style and make a statement. And this year that statement was both under and overstated French Manicures. With the black tip manicure in a mid almond length particularly popular.
It's no surprise French manicures were a popular choice at the Met Ball. This classic look is timeless and elegant, and it works well with a variety of different outfits. Whether it's a classic French manicure, featuring white tips and a pale pink base, or the nude base with a black tip, or a modern twist of bold colours or glitter accents.
So if you want to express your personal style and make a statement on the red carpet, or ehem, your next event or run to the shops! Opt for a sleek French Manicure. The trend is here to stay and the best way to get it is with premium press-on nails. Many celebrities opt for premium press-on nails so they can switch up their look at a moment's notice.