PRIDE NAILS - Nailfitt


Rainbow nails are a fun and colourful way to express yourself! And... show support for the LGBTQ+ community.

The rainbow flag, also known as the pride flag, has been a symbol of the LGBTQ+ community since 1978, when artist and activist Gilbert Baker designed the first rainbow flag.

The rainbow flag represents diversity and unity within the LGBTQ+ community, with each colour representing a different aspect of the community. Red represents life, orange represents healing, yellow represents sunlight, green represents nature, blue represents harmony, and purple represents spirit.

Today, nail artists are reimagining the PRIDE symbol with holographic nails, glitter nails, multi-coloured nails and rhinestones and stickers.

Whether you are a member of the LGBTQ+ community or an ally, wearing rainbow nails is a fun and visible way to show your support.

In addition to wearing your rainbow nails with pride, brighten your wardrobe with colourful clothes or add some pink lipstick or purple eyeshadow to a night out.

There's more to pride than just rainbows of course. Pride is a celebration of diversity and acceptance. Nailfit stands proud with the LGBTQ+ community year-round, not just during pride month.

Image reposted from Pinterest

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